February Event!: Platica on Self-Love is Revolutionary Love!
ACRAS is excited to partner with California Latinas for Reproductive Justice (CLRJ), a Reproductive Justice non-profit in the Los Angeles area, to bring you a Platica (dialogue) on sexxxy self-love! CLRJ and ACRAS invite you to a comfortable and safe space for self-defined women of all sexualities to discuss the anatomy of pleasure, sex, sexuality, self-nurturing and love! There will be some hands-on demonstrations and possibly an opportunity to buy some of the pleasure items from CUCCI LA! This event is taking place on Thursday, February 20, 2014 from 6-9PM in Los Angeles.
Cucci LA will be helping us co-facilitate our self love dialogue and will bring items for purchase. This might be the last chance you get to see them facilitate for a while, so don't miss out! Please read and connect with Cucci on their Facebook page:
Autonomous Communities for Reproductive and Abortion Support will also be bringing donation based desserts and items, so don't forget your pocket books or singles ;)
In the words of Audre Lorde, 'Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare.'
ACRAS is excited to partner with California Latinas for Reproductive Justice (CLRJ), a Reproductive Justice non-profit in the Los Angeles area, to bring you a Platica (dialogue) on sexxxy self-love! CLRJ and ACRAS invite you to a comfortable and safe space for self-defined women of all sexualities to discuss the anatomy of pleasure, sex, sexuality, self-nurturing and love! There will be some hands-on demonstrations and possibly an opportunity to buy some of the pleasure items from CUCCI LA! This event is taking place on Thursday, February 20, 2014 from 6-9PM in Los Angeles.
Cucci LA will be helping us co-facilitate our self love dialogue and will bring items for purchase. This might be the last chance you get to see them facilitate for a while, so don't miss out! Please read and connect with Cucci on their Facebook page:
Autonomous Communities for Reproductive and Abortion Support will also be bringing donation based desserts and items, so don't forget your pocket books or singles ;)
In the words of Audre Lorde, 'Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare.'
Platica on Reproductive Justice and Land Resistance
In our first platica, we will be sharing and story telling. ACRAS believes in the importance of de-mystifying academia and bringing important knowledge into communities where there is a lack of information. We will be talking about the link between Reproductive Justice and Environmental Justice. For many of us, it is impossible to talk about our reproductive lives without talking about displacement, migration, multinacionales, extreme pollution, etc. The way we treat our mother earth deeply affects how we live our lives.
The story-tellers:
Zully is a first-generation Maya Q’anjob’al muxer raised in South Central Los Angeles by working-class Guatemalan parents. In a continuos process of unlearning/relearning myself and my families creation stories. Her platica is titled, "Desarollo Para Quienes; Maya Women Resistance Against Megaprojects in Guatemala." Her project explores the ways sexual violence maintain a legacy of colonialism, specifically how indigenous communities and land are marked as inherently violable. She explores this through the case of Hydro Santa Cruz and its impacts on women living in Santa Cruz Barillas, Huehuetenango, Guatemala.
Yoselyn will touch on a brief herstory of the Reproductive Justice/ hirstory of the Environmxntal Justice movemxnt and how they came about. These movements are critical because they were started by WOC/POC whose communities were left out of the main reproductive rights/reproductive health/environmxntal rights movemxnts (primarily led by middle-class white people). RJ and EJ are instrumxntal in bringing awareness to racism and socio-economic injustices, such as how the poor, working-class, indigenous, communities of color (primarily womxn of color) are targeted through policies that benefit politicians and corporations. We will also provide examples of how communities have resisted in the past and continue to resist the attack on reproductive autonomy and the environmxnt.
Jacqui Z., a massage therapist and environmental activist, will be sharing ways to stay healthy in this unhealthy system! She will show us how to massage ourselves and our peers to alleviate head-aches and promote digestion.
In our first platica, we will be sharing and story telling. ACRAS believes in the importance of de-mystifying academia and bringing important knowledge into communities where there is a lack of information. We will be talking about the link between Reproductive Justice and Environmental Justice. For many of us, it is impossible to talk about our reproductive lives without talking about displacement, migration, multinacionales, extreme pollution, etc. The way we treat our mother earth deeply affects how we live our lives.
The story-tellers:
Zully is a first-generation Maya Q’anjob’al muxer raised in South Central Los Angeles by working-class Guatemalan parents. In a continuos process of unlearning/relearning myself and my families creation stories. Her platica is titled, "Desarollo Para Quienes; Maya Women Resistance Against Megaprojects in Guatemala." Her project explores the ways sexual violence maintain a legacy of colonialism, specifically how indigenous communities and land are marked as inherently violable. She explores this through the case of Hydro Santa Cruz and its impacts on women living in Santa Cruz Barillas, Huehuetenango, Guatemala.
Yoselyn will touch on a brief herstory of the Reproductive Justice/ hirstory of the Environmxntal Justice movemxnt and how they came about. These movements are critical because they were started by WOC/POC whose communities were left out of the main reproductive rights/reproductive health/environmxntal rights movemxnts (primarily led by middle-class white people). RJ and EJ are instrumxntal in bringing awareness to racism and socio-economic injustices, such as how the poor, working-class, indigenous, communities of color (primarily womxn of color) are targeted through policies that benefit politicians and corporations. We will also provide examples of how communities have resisted in the past and continue to resist the attack on reproductive autonomy and the environmxnt.
Jacqui Z., a massage therapist and environmental activist, will be sharing ways to stay healthy in this unhealthy system! She will show us how to massage ourselves and our peers to alleviate head-aches and promote digestion.